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First impressions review: Sukin Hydrating Facial Masque

Hello m'loves! I have returned with another trusty first impressions mask review, because y'all know I love me a good mask. I picked this sukin one up yesterday during my Christmas shopping city trip, because Chemist Warehouse had the whole Sukin range for 50% off, what a bargain. I've been loving the Aussie brand Sukin… Continue reading First impressions review: Sukin Hydrating Facial Masque

beauty · beauty review · lush · lush mask · skin care · skin care review

Lush Brazened Honey Fresh Face Mask Review

Hey there! I'm back with another face mask review! This one's a first for me; nope, I've never used Lush before. *cue horrified gasps* I've always been intrigued and mesmerised by Lush and it's store contents, but I just never tried it because I'm a cheapskate, lol. I finally splurged and treated myself to this… Continue reading Lush Brazened Honey Fresh Face Mask Review

beauty · beauty review · skin care · skin care review · sukin · Sukin Night Cream

Skincare Review: Sukin Moisture Restoring Night Cream

Hello there! I'm back with another non-regularly scheduled post. I said in a recent post that once I'd started using my new Night Cream, I'd do a review for y'all, and here it is! After finishing my Nivea one and not being too thrilled with it, I went on the hunt for a better one, and I think… Continue reading Skincare Review: Sukin Moisture Restoring Night Cream

beauty · beauty review · Garnier Micellar Water · Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula · skin care · skin care review · Sukin Night Cream

Skincare Haul/Review!

Hey Pals! I went down to Chemist Warehouse a few days ago for the sole purpose of stocking up my beloved skincare stash, so I thought why not share what I got with you all! First off, I thought I'd completely run out of my Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Creamy Cleanser and Makeup Remover, so… Continue reading Skincare Haul/Review!

beauty · beauty review · mask review · Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula · skin care

Review: Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Purifying Enzyme Mask

Hey there! I am back with another mask review! In contrast to my last first impression mask review, this mask I have had for a couple of years and am still using it on the regs. Mine is so battered and well used that I didn't even try for a product shot of my own… Continue reading Review: Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Purifying Enzyme Mask

beauty · Beauty blogger · beauty review · first impression · l'Oreal · mask review · skin care

First Impressions Review: L’Oreal Pure Clay – Detox & Brightening Charcoal Mask

I'd been eyeing off this face mask for weeks before I finally splurged and purchased it. At $20 AUD, it's quite a bit of money for something that may not even work at all. I'm big on my skincare, so I knew if I liked it, I'd be using it religiously and definitely get my… Continue reading First Impressions Review: L’Oreal Pure Clay – Detox & Brightening Charcoal Mask